Monday, 20 June 2016

Youth Games - Year 4 Dodgeball at Stanley Park

Well done to the Year 4 dodgeball team who were representing the school today. Although we didn't win the the overall competition, Marton managed two wins, one against Moor Park and the other against Boundary. The competition was tough, so well done to the children who took part who will all receive a certificate for their achievements.

View more photos here

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Visiting a construction site @morgansindall #kidsstaysafe

Today, our Year 5s and some of our Year 6s were lucky enough to visit a real, working construction site. Apart from visiting what will be a brand new school in 2017, the lesson was an important one about the dangers of entering a building site without permission from an adult in charge.

The visit was to look at the new school at South Shore Academy, Blackpool, which is being built over the next two years. After an important safety talk and video...

...the children had to put hard hats and high-vis vests and we then made our way on to the site.

The children watched the giant crane lift the huge steel girders into place...


...and asked lots of questions about what was going on. They also found out that the building will cost over £13 million to complete and some even correctly guessed the cost!

Find out more about staying safe around construction sites by clicking this link.