Monday 14 October 2013

Harvest Festival 2013

Year 4 celebrated a wonderful Harvest Festival this week

On Thursday 10th October, our Year 4 classes took part in this year's Harvest Festival Celebration at Marton, which included traditional hymns and prayers. The theme was the story of Maximus Mouse and his companions who had been wondering what all the extra food was doing in school. Here you can see Maximus and the other mice, in front of all your donations:

With the the help of the children, the mice learned that harvest is a time of giving and it is wonderful that all your donations will go to a local charity in Blackpool. You can find more about their work at

Year 4 have been working extremely hard over the last few weeks to bring you this splendid production. Here you can see 4A being inspired in class by Ms. McMurray!

On the day of the Harvest Assembly, the children all delivered a marvellous production and we were delighted that so many of the parents were able to join us.

Here you can see "Mrs. Walton" (Maddison) leading the choir who sang, "Autumn Days"...

Finally, here is another picture of all the children after the performance:

We hope you enjoyed this year's harvest celebration. If you have any comments, we look forward to hearing them below.

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